Source code for assembledopenml.openml_assembler

import openml
import numpy as np
from openml.tasks import OpenMLTask

from assembledopenml.metaflow import MetaFlow
from assembled.metatask import MetaTask
from typing import List, OrderedDict
import re

[docs]class OpenMLAssembler: def __init__(self, openml_metric_name: str = "area_under_roc_curve", maximize_metric: bool = True, nr_base_models: int = 50): """A wrapper for OpenML that collects top-performing runs (configurations) for a task ID. Parameters ---------- openml_metric_name : {OpenML Metric Names}, str, default="area_under_roc_curve" Name of the Metric to judge a Flow's performance . maximize_metric : bool, default=True Whether or not the metric must be maximized. nr_base_models: int, default=50 The number of top-performing configurations (runs). If less than nr_base_models runs exist, only less than nr_base_models can be returned. """ self.openml_metric_name = openml_metric_name self.maximize_metric = maximize_metric self.nr_base_models = nr_base_models # Check if valid metric name if openml_metric_name not in openml.evaluations.list_evaluation_measures(): raise ValueError("Metric Name '{}' does not exit in OpenML!".format(openml_metric_name)) # -- For later self.setup_ids = set() self.top_n = [] def _select_top_unique_configurations(self, openml_evaluations_dict: OrderedDict[ int, openml.evaluations.OpenMLEvaluation]): """Select the top performing non-duplicated configurations""" for openml_evaluation in openml_evaluations_dict.values(): if len(self.top_n) == self.nr_base_models: # We stop this loop if we have found enough base models break # Get relevant data setup_id = openml_evaluation.setup_id eval_perf = openml_evaluation.value # Skip if we found this configuration already if setup_id in self.setup_ids: # Assumption 1: setup ids are unique across a task for OpenML. This seems to be the case. # Assumption 2: the performance of two runs with identical setup should be equal # !This is not guaranteed due to randomness and since we do not know the random seed! # However, we ignore it. The validation scheme should account for randomness. # (AutoML would not run configurations multiple times) continue self.setup_ids.add(setup_id) self.top_n.append(MetaFlow(openml_evaluation.flow_id, openml_evaluation.flow_name, eval_perf, openml_evaluation.run_id)) def _collect_and_filter_runs(self, openml_task_id: int): """Collect Runs for the task based on the filter setting specified in the initialization.""" sort_order = "desc" if self.maximize_metric else "asc" offset = 0 request_size = 1000 # Batch over the flows (if test run break after first batch) while True: # Get batched runs/evaluations for this task (not unique). # We query twice the amount of evaluations as needed to make sure that enough unique # setup ids are found using 1 request. batched_evaluations = openml.evaluations.list_evaluations(function=self.openml_metric_name, tasks=[openml_task_id], sort_order=sort_order, size=request_size, offset=offset) offset += request_size # Filter duplicated configurations self._select_top_unique_configurations(batched_evaluations) # Immediate Breaks if (len(self.top_n) == self.nr_base_models) or (len(batched_evaluations) != request_size): # Break if we have found enough models or if we have crawled all data on openml del batched_evaluations break print("Found only {} unique runs in the top {} runs.".format(len(self.top_n), offset)) self._validate_top_n() print(len(self.top_n)) @staticmethod def predictor_name_to_ids(pred_name): if not re.match(r"^prediction_flow_\d*_run_\d*$", pred_name): raise ValueError("Unknown Name format for the predictor: {}".format(pred_name)) # Split _, flow_id, _, run_id = pred_name.rsplit("_", 3) return int(flow_id), int(run_id) def _build_flows_for_predictors(self, valid_predictors: List[str]) -> List[MetaFlow]: meta_flows = [] for predictor_name in valid_predictors: flow_id, run_id = self.predictor_name_to_ids(predictor_name) meta_flows.append(MetaFlow(flow_id, None, None, run_id)) return meta_flows def _validate_top_n(self): # Quick checker to validate top-n has intended content if len(self.top_n) > self.nr_base_models: raise ValueError("Too many base models have been added to top_n somehow.") # Check uniqueness of run + flow id combinations_seen = set() for mf in self.top_n: key = "{},{}".format(mf.flow_id, mf.run_id) if key in combinations_seen: raise ValueError("Non-unique run-flow combination: {}".format(key)) combinations_seen.add(key) def _reset(self): self.top_n = [] self.setup_ids = set()
[docs] def run(self, openml_task_id: int) -> MetaTask: """Search through OpenML for valid runs and their predictions. Parameters ---------- openml_task_id : int An Task ID from OpenML for which to build a metatask. Returns ------- meta_task: MetaTask A Metatask created based on the collector's settings for the OpenML Task provided as input """ # -- Get OpenML Task and build metatask task = openml.tasks.get_task(openml_task_id) meta_task = MetaTask() meta_task = init_dataset_from_task(meta_task, task) # -- Collect Configurations self._collect_and_filter_runs(openml_task_id) print("We have found {} base models.".format(len(self.top_n))) meta_task = init_base_models_from_metaflows(meta_task, self.top_n) # -- Fill selection constraints data meta_task.read_selection_constraints({"openml_metric_name": self.openml_metric_name, "maximize_metric": self.maximize_metric, "nr_base_models": self.nr_base_models}) meta_task.read_randomness("OpenML") # -- Rest such that .run() can be re-used self._reset() return meta_task
[docs] def rebuild(self, openml_task_id: int, valid_predictors: List[str]) -> MetaTask: """Rebuild a metatask from a list of predictors Parameters ---------- openml_task_id : int An Task ID from OpenML for which to build a metatask. valid_predictors: List[str] A list of predictor names (in the metatask format) which shall be part of the metatask Returns ------- meta_task: MetaTask A Metatask created based on the collector's settings for the OpenML Task provided as input """ # -- Get OpenML Task and build metatask task = openml.tasks.get_task(openml_task_id) meta_task = MetaTask() meta_task = init_dataset_from_task(meta_task, task) # -- Get predictor data and read into metatask valid_flows = self._build_flows_for_predictors(valid_predictors) meta_task = init_base_models_from_metaflows(meta_task, valid_flows) # -- Fill selection constraints data meta_task.read_selection_constraints({"openml_metric_name": self.openml_metric_name, "maximize_metric": self.maximize_metric, "nr_base_models": self.nr_base_models}) meta_task.read_randomness("OpenML") return meta_task
[docs]def init_dataset_from_task(meta_task: MetaTask, openml_task): """ Fill the metatask's dataset using an initialized OpenMLTask Parameters ---------- openml_task : OpenMLTask or int or str The OpenML Task object for which we shall build a metatask. If int, we will first get the OpenMLTask for that id """ if isinstance(openml_task, (int, str)): if isinstance(openml_task, str): openml_task = int(openml_task) openml_task = openml.tasks.get_task(openml_task) # -- Get relevant data from task openml_dataset = openml_task.get_dataset() dataset_name = dataset, _, cat_indicator, feature_names = openml_dataset.get_data() target_name = openml_task.target_name class_labels = openml_task.class_labels # - Get Cat feature names cat_feature_names = [f_name for cat_i, f_name in zip(cat_indicator, feature_names) if (cat_i == 1) and (f_name != target_name)] feature_names.remove(target_name) # Remove only afterwards, as indicator includes class task_id = openml_task.task_id # -- Check Task type if openml_task.task_type_id is openml.tasks.TaskType.SUPERVISED_CLASSIFICATION: task_type = "classification" elif openml_task.task_type_id == openml.tasks.TaskType.SUPERVISED_REGRESSION: task_type = "regression" else: raise ValueError("Unknown or not supported openml task type id: {}".format(openml_task.task_type_id)) # - Handle Folds openml_task.split = openml_task.download_split() folds_indicator = np.empty(len(dataset)) for i in range(openml_task.split.folds): # FIXME Ignores repetitions for now (only take first repetitions if multiple are available) _, test = openml_task.get_train_test_split_indices(fold=i) folds_indicator[test] = int(i) # -- Fill object with values meta_task.init_dataset_information(dataset, target_name, class_labels, feature_names, cat_feature_names, task_type, task_id, folds_indicator, dataset_name) return meta_task
[docs]def init_base_models_from_metaflows(meta_task: MetaTask, metaflows: List[MetaFlow]): """Fill prediction data from a list of metaflow objects into a metatask object Parameters ---------- metaflows : List[MetaFlow] A list of metaflow object of which the prediction data shall be stored in the metatask """ # For each flow, parse prediction and store it found_confidence_prefixes = set() for meta_flow in metaflows: print("#### Process Flow {} + Run {} ####".format(meta_flow.flow_id, meta_flow.run_id)) # -- Setup Column Names for MetaDataset name_to_use = "prediction_flow_{}_run_{}".format(meta_flow.flow_id, meta_flow.run_id) # -- Get prediction data meta_flow.get_predictions_data(meta_task.class_labels) # - Check if file_y_ture is corrupted (and thus potentially the predictions) if sum(meta_flow.file_ground_truth != meta_task.ground_truth) > 0: # ground truth of original data differs to predictions file y_ture # -> Store it and ignore it meta_flow.file_ground_truth_corrupted = True if meta_flow.file_ground_truth_corrupted or meta_flow.confidences_corrupted: corruptions_details = meta_flow.corruption_details else: corruptions_details = None meta_task.add_predictor(name_to_use, meta_flow.predictions, meta_flow.confidences, conf_class_labels=meta_task.class_labels, predictor_description=meta_flow.description, bad_predictor=meta_flow.is_bad_flow, corruptions_details=corruptions_details) # Other found_confidence_prefixes.add(meta_flow.conf_prefix) # TODO, decide what to do with this: print(found_confidence_prefixes) return meta_task
[docs]def task_to_dataset(openml_task): if isinstance(openml_task, (int, str)): if isinstance(openml_task, str): openml_task = int(openml_task) openml_task = openml.tasks.get_task(openml_task) # -- Get relevant data from task dataset, _, _, _ = openml_task.get_dataset().get_data() return dataset